Main Menu

The main menu of ARS is brought up at any moment using the Sprint + Interact keys, Shift+E on keyboard.
This menu allows you to select a track, the lap number, the opponent vehicles, and how many opponents will participate in the race.
muscle street
will, for example, select any car which is considered a Muscle car, or has a street
tag on it.The input has a few modifiers to better choose what kind of vehicles you want summoned.
will mean that tag is priority. Cars with this tag will automatically be added regardless of any other rules.+tag
will mean that tag is required. All cars summoned need to have this tag.-tag
will mean that tag is prohibited. All cars summoned cannot have this tag.tag
will mean that tag is optional. If a car contains this tag, it will be included.
You can participate in the races by simply being in a vehicle when you hit Start. If you're on foot, you'll not participate.